A phone number search in South Africa will help you find the name of the owner of a cell phone. Which comes in handy if someone keeps calling you and you want to trace someone by using the number. It is possible to find a person with a reverse cell phone look-up search facility online.

By using a persons mobile phone number you can do a reverse search. Which scans websites and databases to find the possible name of the caller you are trying to locate.
Other information can be found on someone using this kind of search. Including marriage or divorce records, property and birth records and even a persons criminal history.
Public South African Cell Phone Number Search Facilities
Finding a person using a cell phone number in South Africa through private reverse record directories used to be only accessible by private investigators and law enforcement officers. However recently more and more of these facilities are becoming accessible to the public.
Having said that some of these searches will be slow and may only be able to trace the name of the person you are looking for over a period of 4-5 days. And information then sent to your email address.
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The types of websites that offer an advanced cell phone number search that really work are few and far between. There are many sites that make bold claims about being able to locate and trace the whereabouts of anyone in the world. So it is wise to shop around and try out these free searches as much as you can.
Don’t just sign up and pay for any program that promises to locate people for you instantly. With a little patience and research it is possible to sift through all the rubbish. And source a decent website that will help find a person with just a phone number.
How do you do a Reverse Number Search?
If you would like to know how you do a reverse mobile phone number search then a solution will be able to be found very easily on the Internet. You may be able to find exactly who the contact number belongs to.
Simply typing the digits into a search engine can often bring up the name of the person that keeps calling. Especially if they have used the same number on social media platforms.
There are many reasons why you would want to want to do a phone number search. Maybe you are trying to find out who the prank caller is that has been bugging you the whole day.
Maybe you would like to know who the user is on the Private Number. You can also use the reverse mobile phone number search to locate friends from an old city, school or college.
You can use it to trace those enthusiastic marketing cold callers. Also you can put your mind at rest after discovering exactly why your kids are spending so much on a mobile phone. You can do a reverse lookup for this as well.
When you do a reverse number search online there are many websites that will declare free services. Keep in mind that these providers do not offer anything for free.
The genuine phone look-up directories will not charge you until they have the full particulars about the contact numbers you have entered.
Track a Person by Number
To track a person by a phone number may seem like you are going to extremes. However if you keep receiving unwanted calls then this may be a solution for you.
One of the reasons that you may not find what you are looking for is because some of the online directories are exclusive to South Africa landline numbers. This is due to the fact that cell phone networks are not obliged to enter their data in any kind of free directory.
However if you are receiving calls from an unknown number and want to trace that person. You can report it at your nearest police station.
RICA Number Check
With the South Africa RICA regulations all persons who purchase a sim card have to register their details with the service provider. This means that you can report the abuse to the police. And they will be able to track the cell phone number for you. Through the information supplied by the user when they registered.
There are fee based services which you could acquire to help you find the owner of the cell phone privately. However, it is obviously best to get the police involved in case the person who is calling you intends on hurting you.
Should you not be able to track the person through the cell phone number then there are ways in which your service provider can block that particular number. So that they cannot contact you again. This may be a far safer option than trying to track a persons name directly.
To Summarize
In summary we have learnt than you can use a phone number search online to trace the owner of a cell phone.
Therefore try the various methods we mention to see which one works best for you.
Just know that it’s not always straightforward or easy to do this.
However if the more simple ways of number searches don’t work for you then use the South Africa RICA number check.