To find old school friends online is easy these days with all of the social networks that are around. Facebook is easier to use to locate someone online, but you will be surprised at how many followers of yours on Twitter can turn out to be old friends of yours that have tracked you down. Once you have a Facebook profile, all you have to do is login at their home page, click ‘search’ right at the top of your home page and type in the name of the person you are looking for. The trick here is that you will probably have a list of hundreds of people with that name from all around the world, therefore you can use the ‘advanced search’ to type in more info about the person you are trying to locate to narrow down your search a bit.
Twitter is slightly more complicated when you want to find old school friends online because most twitters use usernames and not their real names. These two are the most popular social networks; FB with over six hundred millions users and there are more than two hundred million people who make use of the microblogging and following that Twitter offers. You can login to both of these websites with your email address or username and password where you can then go on to search for the people you are looking for. With an entire list of people to choose from, having pictures of themselves on their profile might make it easier for you, but the more information you know about them, the less trouble you will have trying to locate someone online.
Millions of people have found their long lost friends and family members through websites like the two above mentioned ones; it is never too late for you to find who you are looking for. Even if it takes three months of searching, don’t give up trying to find old school friends online.