Every business needs employees, but before employing, perform a criminal record check. That is one piece of advice that is vital in any business as you have to know everything about the people who work for you and there is nothing more important than knowing if they have a criminal record or not. In order to search records you have to know the identification of the person. If your potential employees have been in trouble with the police before, you are going to think twice about hiring them to work for you. However, if you find that they are free after you have conducted the screening, there shouldn’t be anything else stopping you from employing them.
It is important that you, before employing, perform a criminal record check on anyone you are looking to employ. You have the right to search records of the people who wish to work for you and if you are suspicious of their identification, and you think that the person is not being honest with you, you may call the police if you think that is necessary or you can simply deny their application. Screening takes place when you search the records and once you have conducted the search, you are free to make the decision of employing the person or not.
When you run a business, you have to do what you can to ensure that your business is in good hands so you can’t just trust anyone with it. It is not always easy to do this, but you have to look out for your best interests. No matter what business it is that you are running, it still needs your utmost attention and with some good employees you can really go a long way and your business is sure to be successful. As long as you know that before employing, perform a criminal record check just to be sure, and know that you have every right to do this.
Can you get Lists of Criminals from the Police?
Many people ask the question can you get lists of criminals from the police, but this is not too much of a simple procedure. The police aren’t allowed to give out personal information, and believe it or not the criminals have right to privacy in some cases. If someone has committed a crime that has to do with another person, they may tell the families of the person the name of the suspect that they have arrested and once they have come to a conclusion within an investigation and have enough evidence to arrest a suspect, they will release the name of the criminal.
However, they first have to inform the criminals family of the ordeal before they release his or her name to anyone else so the question of can you get lists of criminals from the police, is no, not really. Unless you are in the force or you are just a citizen but have a good reason as to why you need a list of criminals from the police. You might need a list of all the criminals in your area that were arrested for the same type of crime, but they will be reluctant to give it to you.
There are cases where the police release names to the media, but this is normally in the form of wanted criminals that they are looking for; such as when you see the “Ten most wanted criminals in the country” headlines, or when they are looking for someone who they believe has committed a series of crimes; if they have the name of the criminal they are after and have enough evidence to link them to the crime, then they will probably release their name as well as a picture if they have one in their possession. So, the question of can you get lists of criminals from the police is a difficult one to answer as it depends on the position you are in and why would need such information.